In our digitally connected world, social media has emerged as an invaluable tool for assisting police and communities in locating missing individuals. Platforms like Facebook enable swift dissemination of information, allowing visual and textual descriptions of missing persons to reach a wider audience almost instantaneously. This rapid sharing can lead to vital tips and sightings from people who might have otherwise been unaware of the situation. For instance, thousands could view a single shared post, significantly increasing the likelihood of finding someone.
It is essential to remove all appeals once the case of a missing person has been resolved. We firmly believe that every individual has the inherent right to be forgotten. This principle extends to the removal of all posts and online publicity related to the case. Furthermore, it is crucial to respect the privacy of those we assist; therefore, we may not always be able to disclose specific details.
This site is designed to automatically schedule changes to missing persons appeals. This process triggers automated actions to unpublish the associated posts. For instance, if a post is recent, it will be automatically removed after a few days. Once removed, the post will be reviewed, and it will be reposted if deemed still valid.